I’m going to half-ass this post because the state of things sends me into a deep depression and I have other stuff to do. Sorry.
Delaunch launch
A while back, Delaunch ‘launched’, I guess. Their first token was AI 9000, launched via their platform by a request to their automated twitter bot.
I was not impressed at the quality of their product at launch, nor at the way obvious insiders bought a substantial amount and immediately dumped for huge profits.
I half-assed that investigation though. Here’s a picture of the first block that anyone purchased AI 9000 in.
Notice how all the transactions are going to the same address? That’s the Pharaoh router.
Notice how there are two successes and then 10 failures? Well, they’re all transactions to buy the same token, AI9000. All the ones other than the first two failed due to slippage (oops).
Other than the first successful transaction, the others all used the exact same gas. Rookie move! Almost as rookie as setting slippage on your snipe.
Hilariously, they failed A BUNCH MORE TIMES in the next block.
No worries though, they managed to reboot their shit and buy some tokens something like 20 seconds later.
OK, so it was sniped
Big deal! How can you prove it was the team?
Glad you asked. Turns out they’re fucking stupid. But this will take some explanation.
I didn’t actually write this article to talk about the snipe of AI 9000, but it came up while I was tracing accounts, so it’s interesting background.
Peak retardation
See, when I made this post, I thought they were just making shit up because they weren’t ready to launch and they needed to delay.
Then I saw this post.
I looked at the recent deployments to see what was going on.
There wasn’t a single ‘test’ contract that was bought by anyone… but there were a series of rugs.
Haha, there’s no way that they could have launched a series of rugs in prod right. That’s an insane thing to do. They must be lying.
I was honestly really convinced of this. So convinced that I argued with someone in the comments about it.
Turns out they did admit to committing crimes and then continued committing them! Oops! Sorry for calling you a retard buddy. Turns out I’m the retard for assuming that these guys were not retards. I unmuted you.
The evidence that these contracts are linked
This is not good evidence, which is why I refused to believe it at first. But you can view ‘similar contracts’ on Snowscan.
Now, my argument was that it’s not a crime to have a similar contract to someone. I have, many times in the past, deployed a target contract myself in order to test my bots against it.
Which is why I dismissed this evidence originally.
Still, where’s the proof
Getting to that!
Fast forward to today, AIGG is launching (sorry, $AIGG, they fucked up the symbol and included a $, maybe they’re $WIF fans).
You might ask yourself ‘what kind of anti-snipe protection are they putting in’. It turns out that the ‘anti snipe’ was ‘have the team fill the bonding curve using bots’.
I know this because you literally could not have made it more obvious. I found this by decompiling the contract, but apparently they finally got around to verifying it 9 hours later, so here’s a picture.
See that ‘bytes signature’ at the end there? This is typically used when someone is attesting, off-chain, that someone is allowed to perform an action.
In this case, I’m guessing that they added a web service that the front end contacts to fetch the signature to allow a person to participate in the bonding curve. This makes it (marginally) harder for a bot to participate.
Here are a chunk of the first bonding curve buys.
Notice how they’re all in the same block? Literally impossible to do without being an insider. So this is proof that the ‘anti sniper’ mechanism that they put in was just buying their own damn launch off the bonding curve, as stupid as that sounds.
Who cares?
Well, that’s fair. I looked through a lot of these wallets for dumpage, and I didn’t find any. The only actions they took were to obfuscate tracks by splitting and transfering funds repeatedly, the same pattern for every wallet. Can’t have the distribution looking botted!
But no, these wallets didn’t dump AIGG on you. We’ll get to that in a bit.
I did however, notice that some of the wallets had other, non AIGG activity in them. Some tests on Ket, and some other tx on AI 9000. I grabbed all the addresses from the first page and pumped them through a script to find out what they were doing with AI 9000.
A tale as old as time, someone manually increasing the holder count
Where did the tokens come from though.
And where did those tokens come from?
Well well well, block 54217281 we meet again. If you scroll ALLLLLLL the way to the top of this pointless fucking post, you can refresh your memory. This account was the lucky bot that was the second successful buyer of AI 9000.
Linkage confirmed
I guess they were too lazy to make new bot accounts? The team sniped the AIGG bonding curve with at least some of the accounts they used to snipe their token launch. GG to them.
I’m not getting paid for this so I’m not going to track down how much of their token they dumped on you.
OK so what happened to AIGG
It turns out that dark, malevolent forces WERE waiting for the AIGG (sorry $AIGG) launch to happen.
If you peek at the transactions, you can see that someone with a validator sniped the launch with like 2K-3K AVAX. You can tell because it was in the same block, with the exact same gas as the ‘CompleteCurve’ call.
Those two poor bastard TX below that failed also had the same gas, they just got unfortunately shuffled ahead of the TX they were targeting and could not execute.
Anyway, these snipers were the ones that drove the price up to an insane market cap instantly.
That’s not all
Let’s look at the top traders. Every row here without a ‘bought’ is either someone who bought off the bonding curve, or someone who got transferred tokens some other way without buying them.
Digging into those traders, 6 of them are 100+ days old. One is weird, the other 5 all bought from the bonding curve at relatively normal times and got about 1M tokens for 1 AVAX. Possibly legitimate users. I didn't verify no team connections, running short on time here.
What about the other three?
Buyer 1 became active 4 days ago… it’s funded by an account that bought 50 avax of AI 9000 immediately at launch.
Buyer 2 became active 54 days ago… and its first buy was AI 9000, at launch.
Buyer 3 became active 7 days ago… it bought some AI 9000 later today.
Did I mention that Buyer 2 and Buyer 3 are linked by the same funder?
I’m struggling to pick up any patterns here, who knows what’s going on. Could be a mystery lost for all time.
I didn’t dig into the other ‘real’ bonding curve buyers but I bet you can find some fun tidbits in there with slightly less PNL.
Why this is incredibly stupid
OK let’s put aside the fact that they’re clearly sniping their own launches and dumping on you. And the fact that they launched a bunch of rugs in prod without warning anyone.
Can we stop and talk for a second about how this was the dumbest possible thing anyone could do? They wanted to prevent bots, so they… sniped the launch themselves? And then put it live at like, 80K MC?
How was this ever going to work? What did they think was going to happen? I’m guessing they didn’t care. Maybe attracting launch bots was intentional; I wonder how many of those sniper bots got instantly dumped on by the team dropping their bonding curve allocation.
In summary, I hate you all and I regret wasting my time writing this.
Not even going to edit. Going to just find some ugly picture and hit send. Oh, here’s one.
Why this is incredibly stupid, part 2
Can someone explain to me why the fuck a MENTALLY HANDICAPPED AI GAMING REPLY BOT NEEDS A TOKEN.
This is good Sherlock work here! 👍
Love the cynical tone